If that's your idea of an apocalypse -- umpty-million buckets of rain all spring long -- then I guess we're doomed, but otherwise things seem much the same. I went to see the late showing of the remake of The Omen last night as the closer for the day.
No word yet on whether Licia Kuenning's prediction that Farmington, Maine, will become the new paradise of Christ on earth on June 6, 2006 -- perhaps that is still playing itself out. I haven't heard a peep yet in the news or on her website, though I am reading up some more on the book she wrote about it and her history as a Quaker. Interesting stuff, paradise or no paradise. More posting on that shortly.
We have an interview with Licia on www.youngquaker.tk in 'current musings' which you might be interested in.
Well, what did ya think of the movie?
AQ--Sorry to keep you in suspense! I screwed up with not knowing how to moderate comments properly and so didn't see this one until now. Bah! Technology. ;)
I liked the movie -- obviously it doesn't hold a candle to the original, but as a remake it worked pretty well -- there were a few really creepy scenes that made me jump or shudder, which is better than most hack stuff at the theater.
It really seemed like they took pains to do a really good movie, so it was a much better experience than, say, going to see the remake of The Fog. Argh!!! That was a superbly irritating experience. Going to the remake of The Omen was entertaining. Hooray!
J-- Thanks!! I will have to check that out. :)
secret rapture-- Good heavens... I will sit down and read it next week. Hmm....
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