I'm starting this blog up to hopefully begin a record and network of Maine weirdness, and perhaps a bit of other New England weirdness as well. If you would like to post about Maine strangeness, please feel free to join in the discussion!!!
Portland, Maine
(home of Strange Maine, the store -- not affiliated but definitely recommended!!!)
i lived in maine and wish i could get back there.wish i had never left there..allagash west of fortkent at the top of maine..if i could i'd go back and die a happy old age there.i live in bartonville,illinois 3 miles southe of peoria,Illinois..216 anna..i'm handy-caped now and live on s.s.i.and not walking to well..i wish i could get back to were my heart is..i hate illinois now..god maine take me back home..xoxxoxo to maine.from Robin F DeArcos
Hey Robin! Thanks so much for stopping by. Illinois is a long way from home -- I hope you find your way back!
Have a Happy New Year!!!
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