Tuesday, February 14, 2006

In Memoriam

Sad news passed quickly through the grapevine Monday night, as we received word of the death of Geno D’Alessandro Sr., owner of Geno's.

Over the years, Geno's lurked on Brown Street until recent gentrification of the area forced it out. Located now where The Skinny once was, and predominantly run by Geno's son JR, Geno's stands today as a veteran of the Portland underground world, and the longest standing music establishment of its type in Portland.

Geno provided the facilities for Portland music to get as strange as it could be. Most of the time, he had a good sense of humor (except perhaps for the time when he was recovering from one of his horses kicking him in the chest back in the late 80s).

At The Hive, we are glad that Geno got so much recognition this past year as he moved the location of his historic club, and was introduced as a prominent personality of Portland to so many more people before his passing.

Here's to a Portland Legend -- long may his memory live on.

More info is available at The Bollard.

Photo by Michelle Souliere at last show in Geno's old location on Brown Street, March 2005. Pontiffs shown playing.

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